

Email: piyushks at umich dot edu

I am currently working as a senior research fellow at the University of Michigan with Prof. Roya Ensafi. Earlier, I worked as a Postdoctoral researcher at COSIC, KU Leuven, in Belgium, with Prof. Claudia Diaz. I completed my PhD from IIIT Delhi, India with the thesis titled 'Building Performant, Privacy-enhancing and Blocking-resistant Communication Systems'
My research interests broadly lie in Security, Privacy, Systems and Networks.

Recent News

July 2020

2 papers presented at PoPETS 2020

November 2020                           

Successfully passed the PhD Comprehensive exam

Committee Members:
External: Prof. Angelos Keromytis (Georgia Tech, USA)
Internal: Dr. Arun Balaji Buduru (IIIT Delhi, India),
Dr. Vinayak Naik (BITS Pilani, Goa campus,India)

February 2021

Will be joining KU, Leuven as a post-doc

Will be working with Prof. Claudia Diaz, who heads the Privacy Technologies team at COSIC.

February 2021                         

Paper accepted at AsiaCCS 2021 

August 2021                         

Successfully defended PhD thesis

Committee Members:
Externals: Dr. Amir Houmansadr (UMass, USA),
Dr. Michalis Polychronakis (Stony Brook, USA),
Prof. Kent Seamons (BYU, USA)
Received the doctoral dissertation award (similar to summa cum laude)

April 2022                         

Serving on Program Committee of PETS 2023 and ESORICS 2022

August 2022                         

Paper accepted at NDSS 2023 and PETS 2023

March 2023

Serving on the PC of PETS 2024

June 2023

* Delivered an invited talk at Monerokon
* Delivered a talk at TU Delft

July 2023

* Paper accepted at NDSS 2024
* Presented Dolphin at PETS 2023
* Gave a keynote at FOCI 2023

September 2023                         

* Started working as a senior research fellow at the University of Michigan.
* Paper accepted at ACM IMC 2023
* Serving on PC of WWW 2024 & FOCI 2024

February 2024

* Presented LARMix at NDSS 2024
* Delivered a talk at Splintercon 2023


LARMix: Latency-Aware Routing in Mix Networks [link]
      Mahdi Rahimi, Piyush Kumar Sharma and Claudia Diaz
      In proceedings of Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2024

[+] PTPerf: On the Performance Evaluation of Tor Pluggable Transports [link]
      Zeya Umayya, Dhruv malik, Devashish Gosain and Piyush Kumar Sharma
      In proceedings of ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) 2023

[+] On the Anonymity of Peer-To-Peer Network Anonymity Schemes Used  by Cryptocurrencies [pdf]
      Piyush Kumar Sharma, Devashish Gosain and Claudia Diaz
      In proceedings of Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2023

[+] Hades: Practical Partitioning Attack on Cryptocurrencies 
      Vinay Shetty, Piyush Kumar Sharma and Devashish Gosain
      Poster at Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2023

[+] Dolphin: A Cellular Voice Based Internet Shutdown Resistance System [pdf]
      Piyush Kumar Sharma, Rishi Sharma, Kartikey Singh, Mukulika Maity and Sambuddho Chakravarty
      In proceedings of Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) 2023.

[+] Camoufler: Accessing The Censored Web By Utilizing Instant Messaging Channels [pdf]
      Piyush Kumar Sharma, Devashish Gosain, Sambuddho Chakravarty
      In Proceedings of ACM Asia Conference on Communication and Computer Security (AsiaCCS) 2021.

[+] The Road Not Taken: Re-thinking the Feasibility of Voice Calling Over Tor [pdf][video]
      Piyush Kumar Sharma, Shashwat Chaudhary*, Nikhil Hassija*, Mukulika Maity, and Sambuddho Chakravarty
      In Proceedings of Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) 2020. (* Equal contribution of authors)

[+] SiegeBreaker: An SDN Based Practical Decoy Routing System [pdf][video
      Piyush Kumar Sharma, Devashish Gosain, Himanshu Sagar, Chaitanya Kumar, Aneesh Dogra, Vinayak Naik, H.B.
      Acharya, and Sambuddho Chakravarty
      In Proceedings of Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) 2020.

[+] Maginot Lines and Tourniquets : On the Defendability of National Cyberspace [pdf]
      Devashish Gosain, Madhur Rawat, Piyush Kumar Sharma, H.B Acharya
      In proceedings of Local Computer Networks (LCN) 2020.

[+] Where The Light Gets In: Analyzing Web Censorship Mechanisms in India. [pdf]
      Tarun Kumar Yadav*, Akshat Sinha*, Devashish Gosain*, Piyush Kumar Sharma, Sambuddho Chakravarty
      In proceedings of ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) 2018. (*Shared First Authorship).

[+] SiegeBreaker : SDN Based Decoy Routing System [pdf]
      Piyush Kumar Sharma, Chaitanya Kumar, Aneesh Dogra, Vinayak Naik, H.B. Acharya, Sambuddho Chakravarty
      WIP published in ACSAC 2017.

Academic Service

                                                                              2024: CCS, PETS, TheWebConf (WWW), FOCI, WiSec
                                                                              2023: PETS  
                                                                              2022: ESORICS


  • FALL 2023 - Delivered a lecture on VPNs as part of the Privacy Technologies course at KU Leuven
  • FALL 2022 - Complete course management and lectures for Privacy Technologies and co-management for Privacy and Big Data course at KU Leuven
  • FALL 2021 - Took lecture on Censorship and Anti-censorship technologies for the Privacy Technologies course at KU Leuven

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